Bischoefe und Pfarrer stimmten in ihren Gremien jeweils mit mehr als den geforderten zwei Dritteln dafuer.
Es wird schwer sein, die Enttaeuschung zu verarbeiten. Mit Kirchenaustritten aus diesem Grund wird gerechnet.
The legislation titled "Draft Bishops and Priests (Consecration and Ordination of Women) Measure" received broad support by the House of Bishops with 44 votes for, three against and two abstentions. The House of Clergy was similarly supportive with 148 in favor and 45 against. Both votes cleared the needed two-thirds majority. But the 132 for and 74 against vote in the House of Laity came up six votes shy needed for the measure to pass.
The Bishop of Bristol said in a statement the vote was disastrous.
"Whilst I have never believed it necessary for anyone to leave the church on the basis of the measure before us today, others clearly took another view," the Rt. Rev. Mike Hill said in a statement posted by the Diocese of Bristol.
“It will be very difficult for those of us who have supported the ordination of women bishops to process our disappointment in the days ahead. My prayers are with the many people who are hurting, particularly women in our churches and those within and outside the church who are bemused and disillusioned by such a failure," Hill said. ... =allsearch